
Our passion lies in restoring that which many would knock down. To us that is keeping it Green.

Masonry Pointing, restoration, stone replication, stucco & waterproofing. Masonry walls, parapet walls, appurtenances, cornices, chimneys, coping stones & sills.
Waterproofing Cap & base flashing, roof & terrace resurfacing, gutters & leaders, windows & wood structures.
Graffiti removal Graffiti removed from brick, stone, concrete, metal & wood. Once removed an anti graffiti sealant will be applied.
Wood Restoration & Replication Interior & Exterior wood restoration, stripping & refinishing. Reclaimed, wood floors installed and restored. Wood Carving restored & replicated.
Interior Plaster Wall Restoration Restoration & replication of crown mouldings, ceiling domes, cornices, cornice mouldings, niches & picture frames.

Fort Greene



11 Spring Street

Brick replication & pointing, stone replication & installation, water proofing, stucco, graffiti removal & anti graffiti sealant.


691 Bay Street

Interior & Exterior brick pointing, restoration and sealing.


Wood Ave, Monticello (Before & After)

Staging renovation for quick sale. Too much blue. Reglaze blue tub & hamper to Ivory. Floating floor throughout, paint and repair existing doors and replace hardware, replace kitchen with builder grade cabinets. Repair sheet-rock walls and paint.


Services include: Home Renovation, Add a Level, Additions, Bathroom & Kitchen Remodels, Sunrooms, Exteriors, and Basement Remodeling.

The Mazzei Group is a versatile construction company.  We will spend the time necessary to evaluate your renovation and choose the best approach with respect to construction & materials needed. We offer design services and always look to restore existing structures before building new saving our clients money. Many homeowners do not take the time to research their options. We will take that time and provide our residential property owners with value, quality-driven restoration, renovation, and building services.


We are fully licensed and insured to perform residential construction projects in the state of New York.


CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE! | 1 (347) 723 – 1825