Our passion lies in restoring that which many would knock down. To us that is keeping it Green.
Masonry | Pointing, restoration, stone replication, stucco & waterproofing. Masonry walls, parapet walls, appurtenances, cornices, chimneys, coping stones & sills. |
Waterproofing | Cap & base flashing, roof & terrace resurfacing, gutters & leaders, windows & wood structures. |
Graffiti removal | Graffiti removed from brick, stone, concrete, metal & wood. Once removed an anti graffiti sealant will be applied. |
Wood Restoration & Replication | Interior & Exterior wood restoration, stripping & refinishing. Reclaimed, wood floors installed and restored. Wood Carving restored & replicated. |
Interior Plaster Wall Restoration | Restoration & replication of crown mouldings, ceiling domes, cornices, cornice mouldings, niches & picture frames. |
Fort Greene
11 Spring Street
Brick replication & pointing, stone replication & installation, water proofing, stucco, graffiti removal & anti graffiti sealant.
691 Bay Street
Interior & Exterior brick pointing, restoration and sealing.
Wood Ave, Monticello (Before & After)
Staging renovation for quick sale. Too much blue. Reglaze blue tub & hamper to Ivory. Floating floor throughout, paint and repair existing doors and replace hardware, replace kitchen with builder grade cabinets. Repair sheet-rock walls and paint.