Bed Bug Extermination

  Early detection is key Say Good Bye to Bed Bugs It can happen to anyone. Bed Bugs are not a sign of a dirty house, so do not be so hard on your self. I tell my clients to look at bedbug infestation as an opportunity to clear excess clutter out of your life and...

The Environmentally Friendly Dual Flush Toilet

In a time where Americans are becoming more conscious of both their environment and wallets, the idea of a dual flush toilet is nothing short of revolutionary. This cutting edge advancement in toilet technology allows a user to choose between different types of...

When You Can’t Move, Remodel!

You would be very surprised to learn how you can utilize the space you already have. You can take all that wasted basement space and turn it into a TV room, a bar room, a bedroom, or even a mini apartment for that kid that grew up but won’t move out yet,(or better...